I recently figured out how to do something that I’ve been trying to do for a while: Plot geom_sf objects (spatial points, lines, polygons, etc) onto ggmaps (i.e. basically a google map background), in such a way that everything easily lines up properly. I won’t get into the nitty gritty and ins and outs of all of the components here, or else we’ll be here all day. Instead, I’ll just quickly go through an example and show what worked for me.
I recently gave a talk in which I wanted to show how the overlap between mother and daughter orangutans’ home ranges changed over time. I’d been itching to play around with the gganimate package (created by Thomas Lin Pedersen; his twitter, his github), and it seemed like the perfect opportunity. If you’re already familiar with ggplot2, then gganimate is a breeze. I was really happy with my final result, and figured it’s probably worth a post.